Shakespeare's Sonnet # 138

   Illuminations Films

   BBC Films

A truly extraordinary short film (duration 1min) by Dave McKean which surely represents one of the more enhanced occasions where shooting is simply a matter of 'image acquisition' as opposed to 'photography' -  again, it cannot appear on my showreel as my work - nevertheless this delightful and arresting short was filmed in a studio in Park Royal, with actor Marcello Fegundes selected from a casting tape shortlisting ten eager finalists, hurriedly knocked off in Covent Garden and biked to Dave just hours prior to shooting.
There are no camera moves- all tracking has been extrapolated by 3D programmer Max McMullin (prior to the release of boujou) based on the original footage and combined with material shot digitally needed for motion-capture data. The original image so heavily processed Marcello can barely recognise himself, but there is film footage in there somewhere...


Super16mm, Arri SR3, EXR 7248 stock



